Light'n'Dark a battlechess type of game where two parties (light side and dark side) are fighting each other in a kind of arena.

The light side and the dark side... Each of them has two ways to win:

  1. Eliminating all creatures of the other side
  2. Capturing all powerpoints

Unfortunately, Light'n'Dark isn't released, yet. The game itself is finished, but Andreas Scholl is still drawing the graphics and Axel Pfeuffer hasn't finished sampling the voices, yet. :^( I really want to include their work, because the same guys have created the graphics and voices for Monsters of Terror and it really improved the game...

Stand by...


  • Supports four player joystick adapter!
  • Saves highscores to disk!
  • Doesn't stop multitasking!
  • Can be promoted to any OCS/AGA screenmode!
    If you have any questions, send me a mail: /

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